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St Albans Girls' School

Careers & Next Steps

Preparation for Life after STAGS Sixth Form

There is a wide range of information on careers including Degree and Higher Apprenticeships; all forms of higher and further education and gap years available to the students.  Throughout the year, students have university lecturers, admissions staff, employers and graduate students who visit the school to give information and advice to our Sixth Formers. Students are fully informed on opportunities which will prepare them for Higher Education and Apprenticeship applications. More information can be found on our Step Up Programme.

The UCAS Procedure

Beginning in the Summer term of Year 12, the students are introduced, through a series of seminars and talks, to the UCAS process. Advice is given on the procedures, and how to make an effective application. At the end of the Summer Term there is an extensive programme covering student finance, personal statement writing, gap years and how to make a success of university life. As the students move into Year 13, they are given full support through the application process from filling in the UCAS form to accepting offers and attending university.

The Extended Project Qualification

We are delighted to offer the successful and highly valued EPQ: a qualification which equates to half an A Level.  Students undertake an independent project of their choice and present their findings to a panel of assessors.  This qualification is much respected by Russell group universities and enables students applying for highly competitive universities to add another dimension to their application. 

Oxbridge, Medicine, Dentistry & Veterinary Evening

In the Autumn Term there is an ‘Oxbridge’ evening for candidates and their parents who are considering an application to Oxford or Cambridge and for Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary applications. The evening aims to educate students and parents about the application processes for the most competitive courses. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are invited.

Information from the Presentation Evening can be found in the attachment below. 

Interview Training

We are able to offer interview training including mock interviews for any student who will be invited to a University interview and those students applying for a Degree or Higher Apprenticeship. There is also provision for additional (and more general) training by an outside agency.

Work Experience

During Curriculum Enrichment Week Year 12 students will spend time doing work experience. This plays an increasingly important part in university and employment admissions and while it is a good idea to try to find a placement which is pertinent to your preferred university subject, it is by no means necessary. All work experience is valuable.

Gap Years

Gap years are increasingly popular and opportunities and advice are offered to students throughout the Sixth Form. Opportunities for voluntary work, teaching, working and travelling are advertised to students throughout the year by the Head of Sixth and the Head of Careers.

Careers Guidance

Our experienced team here includes the support of SFYP, a respected advisory service available to young people.  Careers guidance is always available at our school, and appointments and/or mentoring are organised according to students’ needs throughout the year.  Beyond the classroom, we provide students with diverse career opportunity events, not only within our school but also in conjunction with other local schools.

Our excellent local and national business links ensure that students have contact with a range of professionals from many different backgrounds.  Our aim is to provide all students with a diverse field of careers to choose from, whilst understanding the requirements for these fields.

Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill
Sandridgebury Lane
St Albans

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134