Early Careers Teachers (ECT) Information
Early Career Teachers (ECT) Information
At STAGS we welcome ECTs as colleagues every year and aim to provide a high quality induction programme. All ECTs are registered with an Appropriate Body who monitor the completion of the Early Career Framework (ECF) and the ECT’s induction. ECT Induction is coordinated by the Induction Tutor, and we follow the guidance from the DfE about the arrangements for ECT support. This includes the following:
- A Mentor is assigned to every ECT and meetings for the ECT to meet their Mentor are scheduled on both parties’ timetables. Records of action points are kept and form the basis of ongoing discussions
- Timetables for ECTs
- ECTs in their first year have 90% of a full time teacher’s timetable. This 10% release time is used for the ECT to observe experienced colleagues and carry out other supported tasks (such as moderation of marking with departmental colleagues or meetings with specialist colleagues such as SENCOs etc)
- ECTs in their second year have 95% of a full time teacher’s timetable. This 5% release time is used for the ECT to observe experienced colleagues and carry out other supported tasks (such as moderation of marking with departmental colleagues or meetings with specialist colleagues such as SENCOs etc)
- Observations of the ECT’s teaching are carried out on a half termly basis and are conducted by the Induction Tutor, Mentor (possibly in association with the Curriculum Leader) and the Head Teacher throughout the year
- In the first two terms of induction, the ECT’s progress is reviewed and a progress report is written by the Induction Tutor. The ECT is able to comment on the report before it is submitted to the Appropriate Body
- Subject specific professional development opportunities are identified for all ECTs and are supported by STAGS
Support for ECTs is readily available and we work with all colleagues to ensure that the induction period is completed successfully. ECTs are encouraged to talk to their Mentor, Curriculum Leader or the Professional Mentor if issues arise so that a timely solution can be found.
Many of our colleagues at STAGS joined as early career teachers and have progressed through their career to reach various leadership positions. If you would like to know more or discuss opportunities further, please contact our Professional Learning Mentor, Tessa Miles at: tmmhum@stags.herts.sch.uk
Hear from our ECT's below:
My name is Mr McCarthy and I teach Computer Science to Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 students. I have worked at STAGS for 2 years now, starting through the School Direct program and continuing as an ECT, both at STAGS.
Every day is busy, it is fast paced, and the job is never done, but everyone at STAGS works together to create a learning environment where students and staff feel supported and have the opportunities to be successful. Currently, as a department, everyone is pulling together to create a fully online scheme of work for Key Stage 3. We are looking at new tools to build engaging and sustainable resources for our students.
The move into teaching has provided a wealth of opportunity for me, to engage with young people from a diverse range of backgrounds and give something back. STAGS is ideally suited to encourage more girls into the Science and Technology roles of the future, and having previously worked in the corporate space for a global IT provider, I can bring my past experience to the classroom.
At STAGS everyone is here for a purpose, to improve the lives of young people and give them the best possible opportunities for the future. School is always asking how it could be even better, and continually makes the effort to include everyone on this journey.