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St Albans Girls' School

Film Studies

Curriculum Overview and Intent
Film and Media studies at STAGS is diverse and exciting and has a profound effect on how our students see the world. Our aim is to capture learners’ imaginations, so engagement with film and print based media products becomes a lifelong passion. Students examine the depiction of different cultures, people and places and challenge ideas about gender, race, equality, nationality and British values. Learners are encouraged  to be open minded and free thinking in order to develop confidence in their own judgments.  





An enjoyment and appreciation of the moving image and narrative will give students the basis for analysis of all types of film undertaken in the A Level course. The Film Studies A Level involves all types of film from a variety of cultures and eras.

Students analyse the way that films are made and seen, considering the content of a range of films from around the globe made over the last 90 years. Opportunities are given to scrutinise the intricacies of what appears on screen in addition to researching how the case studies are produced from inception to finished product - the influence of context and reception are also considered.

The case studies analysed showcase some of the best films ever made in terms of critical acclaim as well as popularity with viewers. Students are encouraged to develop a personal response as well as to be able reflect on the insight of others. The current cohort have found the case studies to be as inspiring as they are interesting to study.

The Department

Curriculum Leader: Mr S Cole                                                                                                                                                            

A Level

Exam Board: Eduqas

Specification Number: 603/1147/2

What will be studied?

The specification  consists of three main components:

Varieties of Film and Filmmaking, Global Filmmaking Perspectives and a Production.

Students will study, analyse and discuss attributes relating to eleven films from the following groups:

  • Hollywood 1930-1990
  • American Film since 2005
  • British Film since 1995
  • Global Film
  • European Film
  • Documentary Film
  • Film Movements – Silent Cinema
  • Film Movements – Experimental Film (1960-2000)

In addition, students will be required to produce a production of a screenplay or a short film with a corresponding evaluative analysis.

The course covers the use of film as an aesthetic art form in addition to a medium of representation. The groups and criteria have been crafted in order to widen students’ knowledge of film in addition to the skills one needs to analyse and discuss them.

Students of Film Studies will develop skills in the following areas:

  • A diverse range of film types
  • Contextual influence
  • Meanings and responses
  • Film as an aesthetic medium
  • Ways in which spectators react to film
  • The application of critical approaches
  • Application of knowledge and understanding in a production

Component 1: Varieties of Film and Filmmaking carries 35% of the mark weighting and has an external written examination which lasts for 2.5 hours

Component 2: Global Filmmaking Perspectives also carries 35% of the mark weighting and has an external written examination which lasts for 2.5 hours

Component 3: The production element is assessed in school and carries 30% of the weighting. Students can choose between producing a short film or a screenplay. Either requires an evaluative analysis of between 1700 and 2000 words.

Further Reading

Any films which fall into the categories above are of value for reference. The following texts are also insightful and relate to the content of the two year course.

A2: The Essential Introduction by Routledge:

Introduction to Film Studies by Routledge:

What websites are recommended?

EDUQUAS Film Studies A Level website:

Internet Movie Database (owned by Amazon) to check whether films fall into one of the applicable categories above:

What equipment is needed?

Lever-arch file, required KS5 stationery.

Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill
Sandridgebury Lane
St Albans

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134