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Welcome to

St Albans Girls' School

Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEN/D)

​​​​​​At St Albans Girls' School it is our aim that all students achieve their potential regardless of the barriers there may be to learning. We are passionate about the support we offer to SEN/D students and they in turn reward us by achieving above and beyond expectations.

At STAGS we are ambitious for all our students, including those with SEND. Our first response is always high quality teaching, providing effective opportunities for learning and progress for all.

We are an inclusive school that believes strongly that all students, regardless of ability, background or ethnicity, have the right to participate in and enjoy all aspects of school life, including access to a full curriculum and have the opportunity to meet their full potential.

Admissions for all students are handled by the Local Education Authority, including for students with Education, Health and Care plans, Disabilities and Looked after Children. A copy of our Admission’s Policy can be found here

Information about the local authority’s Local Offer of services and provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disability can be found on Hertfordshire’s website here.

Our aims are based on the UK Gov SEND Code of Practice

Click on links to view our SEND Policy and SEN Information Report (inc. Local Offer)

The Learning Support Department

The SEND at STAGS Team  

The support offered to students with SEND is in collaboration with the teachers, pastoral team and Learning Support Department under the direction of SENCO, Sarah Johnson-Putt.

We use individual, student focused, Spotlight profiles to ensure that teachers are aware of adaptions that are required, as well as focusing on adaptability through Quality First Teaching, 

Parents of students with SEND have an opportunity to meet with the SENCO each half term by making an appointment to attend a SENCO surgery as well as having regular contact with a named member of the SEN/D at STAGS team.  We also keep parents regularly updated through a regular Learning Support Newsletter and at parents’ Coffee Morning, held termly. Our next newsletter outlining the dates of the SENCO Surgeries for this year, this term's Coffee Morning and our Parents Support Groups regular groups  was distributed via Stagslink on Friday 10th November. 

Role Staff Member
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) Ms S Johnson-Putt
Assistant SENCO/Learning Mentor Miss R Messingham
SEND Communications Lead Mrs S Abbott
Teaching Assistant Miss T Fletcher
Teaching Assistant Mrs R Learner
Teaching Assistant Miss E Coban
Teaching Assistant Ms R Lord 
Teaching Assistant Mrs D Abuznaid
Teaching Assistant Ms O Kulyk
Teaching Assistant  Mrs C O'Gorman 

The role of the Teaching Assistant is varied.  They may support identified students within the classroom, work with small groups of students, assist with the physical demands of the curriculum e.g. movement between and within classrooms as well as supporting extra-curricular learning and educational visits. They also play an important role supporting students who we feel need more focused monitoring.

Education Health Care Plans
If your child has an Educational Health Care Plan then appropriate provision will be put in place to ensure they are fully supported. If you are a prospective parent of a student with an EHCP then all admissions to schools must be through the SEND Team in your local authority.

For more information on organisations that can offer help and support, please see attachment below - Specialist Advice Lines for SEND Support.

Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill
Sandridgebury Lane
St Albans

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134