'It's a beautiful thing when you wear a uniform that represents a group of people..... it symbolises oneness, togetherness.'
Nia Long
A uniform binds us together as a community and allows us all to relate to one another on a similar level. It provides guidelines for suitable dress in a learning environment. Students at STAGS are proud to wear the uniform that represents their school and visitors often comment on how well our students are presented.
This code has been formulated within the guidelines of ensuring compliance with a schools obligations under the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010.
All uniform must be worn correctly and as the manufacturer intended. No adaptations or additions can be made. Consequences are given to students who chose not to follow the uniform code.
All uniform items marked with an asterisk (*) must be from Stevensons Uniforms or Beat School Uniforms These can be purchased new or alternatively, the PTA hold regular nearly new uniform sales at school. All uniform items must be clearly and permanently named.
Current price lists and information on how to book an in-store appointment are attached below. We continuously review the price of our uniform and suppliers to ensure best value for money - as well as quality of items - for all students.
School Uniform Years 7-11
Compulsory items
STAGS navy blue blazer* - must be worn at all times. School related badges can only be worn on the lapels
STAGS navy blue knee-length pleated skirt* or STAGS navy blue trousers*
STAGS light blue shirt* - with house coloured ‘stag’ on collar, long or short-sleeved
STAGS navy blue jumper* - can be removed in warmer weather
Shoes - plain black, sturdy, low-heeled (trainers, canvas shoes or boots are not permitted)
Tights - plain navy, black or ankle socks - plain navy, black or white, worn over the ankle (no sports socks)
School bag - plain and suitable for carrying school books
Non-compulsory items
Outdoor coat - plain, waterproof and suitable for school (hoodies/sweatshirts are not permitted). Reflective stripes are recommended in winter for safety
Hijab - navy blue or black, secured, consistently worn. Full face head veils (Niqab) are not permitted
Physical Education (PE) Kit Years 7-11
Compulsory items
STAGS PE fitted polo shirt*
STAGS PE shorts* and/or STAGS PE leggings*
STAGS PE tracksuit bottoms*
STAGS PE hoodie* or STAGS PE jacket*
STAGS PE knee-high sports socks* (football, rugby and hockey)
White ankle socks (rounders, netball and athletics)
Sports trainers - non-marking soles
Football boots - non-metal studs
One-piece swimming costume
Swimming hat - non-swimmers white, swimmers any other coloured hat
PE kit bag (STAGS branded PE bag is available but is not compulsory)
Gum shield
Shin pads
Non-compulsory items
One piece sports hijab - plain navy blue or black
Jewellery, Make-up and Nails
No jewellery is permitted except for a watch and one pair of small plain silver or gold studs in the lower lobe
All other ear, facial, tongue or body jewellery, including clear retainer studs are not permitted
Make-up, tattoos, self/fake-tan, false eyelashes/eyelash extensions, nail varnish, false nails, gels, acrylics, eyebrow slits are not permitted
All piercings must be removed during all practical PE lessons for health and safety reasons. Putting tape over piercings is not an option as it does not negate risk. Any student wishing to pierce their ears for the first time must do so at the start of the six-week summer holiday to allow time for lobes to heal
Hair must be a natural hair colour (e.g. black, brown, blonde, natural redhead)
Hair should not be shorter than a grade 2
No hair accessories are permitted except for; a headband, hairbands/elastics, hair clips, beads (maximum one per braid) any of which must be plain, unpatterned, silver, gold, navy blue, white or black only
Hair must be tied back for practical subjects (PE, DT), and wrapped if hair contains beads
Religious Items
Where a request is made to wear a religious item which is not compliant with the school uniform policy, and it can be reasonably demonstrated that the wearing of the item is of exceptional importance to that person’s religious belief then such requests shall be considered by the school on a case by case basis and on balance with any applicable safeguarding, health and safety or other requirements of the school.
Due consideration has been paid to the Department of Education statutory guidance on providing multiple and affordable uniform options, found here Education (Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms) Act 2021. If there is any family who would like assistance with basic uniform items, please contact the Director of Learning.
For uniform requirements in the Sixth Form, click on this link